- 注册时间
- 2007-12-20
- 最后登录
- 2010-5-28
- 阅读权限
- 1
- 积分
- 1
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- 0
- 帖子
- 12
Good Morning! Ladies and Gentlemen!
Following the stipulations in the Bidding Documents No. ***, the ICB Bid Opening Ceremony for ********shall be officially started at *** o’clock the morning of *****in*****
截止到招标文件规定时间:***年*月**日上午***整,本招标公司共收到投标文件3 份,符合法定要求,可以按时开标。
Until the deadline, ****, stipulated in the bidding documents, we have received 3 bids, which meet the legal requirements and can be opened on time.
The Tendering Company ****is to carry out the bid opening activities. This Ceremony will be carried out in accordance with the state’s regulations and procedures.
First, please allow me to announce corresponding attentive matters of the ceremony.
1) 请大家关闭手机、BP机,并保持会场安静。
Please keep your mobile phones, Beep-Pagers power off and make the meeting room quiet.
2) 开标过程中,允许摄像,记录,录音。
During the bid opening process, photographing and recording are allowed.
3) 开标过程中,不回答任何问题。如投标人代表对开标记录表 有疑义,请向主持人举手示意,征得本主持人同意后,可以简要说明。
During the bid opening process, no questions will be answered. In case of any question about the Bid Opening Record, the representative of the Bidder should raise his hand to the presider for approval before making a short explanation.
2. 介绍招标方参加开标人员
Please allow me to introduce the participants from the purchaser’s side.
国贸公司招标公司 主持人: 先生,唱标人: 先生,
记录人: 女士 及 先生
Mr. , presider, Mr. , announcer, Mr. and Mr. , registrars from PIETC tendering company
Please allow me to introduce the Bidders in order of the submission of bids.
3. 领导讲话
Addresses given by *****
4. 开标程序
1) 开标顺序将按照投标商签到顺序进行。
Bid announcement shall follow the order of bidder’s registration for attendance.
2) 唱标采用中文和英文,每次唱标唱两遍。
Each bid will be announced twice both in Chinese and in English.
3) 唱标完毕后,投标商将确认开标记录并签字。
After all the bids are announced, bidders shall confirm and sign the Bid Opening Record.
4) 开标完毕后,投标商回到各自宾馆,等候通知,以便澄清投标文件中有关商务、技术问题。请各位投标人近日内不要离开。接下来进行唱标
After completion of the bid opening, Bidders shall go back to their hotels and await notifications for clarification of the commercial and technical aspects in the bidding documents. Bidders shall not depart from Chengdu in recent couple of days.
Now, let’s start the Bid Announcement..
5. 唱标
Now it’s time for Bid Announcement
6. 监标人讲话
Addresses given by Mr. ****,Supervisor from monitoring department
7. 结束语 Ending words
All the bids have been announced. Representatives of all the bidders are requested to sign the Bid Opening Record at the front desk. Please follow your orders of registration for attendance.
That’s the end of the bid opening ceremony. Thanks for coming. |