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发表于 2005-10-18 21:01:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Xiang Ling in Grass Game 香菱斗草

On baoyu&#39s birthday the young ladies held a drinking party in which they composed poems and much fun. Their service maids started a game of their own. Xiang Ling, Xue Fan&#39s concubine, collected some flower and grass and began a grass game with the other. "This one is bodhisattva willow," one said. And another one would say, "I have arhat pine." Suddenly, Dou Guan said she had a sisters flower. Xiang Ling said, "I have a husband and-wife flower." "Never heard of that," the previous girl protested. "why," Xiang Ling explained. "One flower on a stem is called lan, and several flower on a stem make hui. Two on one stem, one up and one down, is a brother flower, and two flowers side is certainly a spouses one." The other girl, however, did not easily give up. Laughing, she challenged, "Well, then if one flower is big and the other one small, then it&#39s a father and son flower; and if two flowers face different ways it&#39s probably an enemies flower. Is that rather? Xue Fan is gone for over half a year. I guess because you miss him you made up that husband and wife flower." Blushed, Xiang Ling rushed up meaning to pinch the sharp-tongued girl, who laughed and begged for the other&#39s help. At the sight of the girls&#39 laughing, poking and punching each other in a friendly manner, Baoyu came to join their excitement with grass in hand.


Seeking plum Blossoms in snow

  Betrothed to the son of a Imperial Academician surnamed Mei, baoqin staryed in Jia Residence waiting for her wedding date. In the depth of winter, the earth was draped with a cloak of snow. Li Wan invited cousina over to chant poems and enjoy the snowy scene. She told baoyu to fetch some plum blossoms from Miaoyu&#39s place. Baoyu did as he was bid and soon returned with crimson flowers in fine bloom. Then Li Wan bid three of her cousins to compose poems, each taking "red," "plum" and "flower" as a subject matter. Amid the excitement, old lady Jia came in a sedan chair to join them. She praised the flowers and drank cheerfully in the company of the merry girls around her. Suddenly, lady Jia noticed that out in the snow stood an ethereal, beautiful young lady in a fur drape, accompanied by a servant girl holding a branch of plum blossoms. It was a scene just like a picture. It was Baoqin on her way back from a plum-fetching trip from the same place. Lady Jia appreciated Baoqin&#39s beauty and talents, and thought of making a marriage proposal on behalf of baoyu. On learning that the girl had been betr4othed to young Lord Mei and that the wedding would soon happen, the old lady reluctantly quit the idea. This picture shows Baoqin in the snow with flower blossoms.


Xiangyun&#39s Drunken Sleep

  As jia baoyu, Xue Baoqin, Xing youyanand Ping&#39er had birthdays on the same day, the young ladies held a hilarious drinking party in the hall of the peony garden for them. When it was Xiangyun&#39s turn to compose a verse amid a drinking game, she made fun of the service maids by saying, holding a duck head in hand, "This ya tou (referring to the duck head in hand) is not that ya tou (referring to the service maids around, as both are homophones in Chinese), for this ya tou has applied no hair oil…." Everybody roared with laughter. Some service maids protested, laughing, "You made fun of us, so you have to drink another cup. Let&#39s pour a full cup her…." As the party went on drinkers&#39 games continued with ceaseless laughter and people suddenly noticed that Xiangyun had disappeared. While they looked this way and that, a serice maid rushed in laughing, "Young ladies. Hurry to have a look at the Lady Xiangyun. She&#39s sleeping on the stone bench over there." The group tiptoed over, and sure enough, saw Xiangyun sleeping soundly. Fallen flowers scattered on her body, her hair and her face. Her fan had dropped on the ground aside. Bees danced in the air around her. Under her head was a make-shift pillow of peony flowers wrapped with her handkerchief. Amid laughter service girls gently woke her up and helped her-she was still mumbling something drunkenly-get inside the room.

  贾宝玉、薛宝琴、邢岫烟、平儿四人同一天过生日。 众小姐带上自己的丫头们借机在芍药栏中红香圃三间小敞厅内饮酒行令,一时敞厅内热闹非凡。轮到香云说酒令时,她想拿丫头们取笑,他喝了一口酒,夹了一个鸭头,举起来说:"这鸭头不是那丫头,头上没有桂花油。"众人笑了起来,惹得晴雯等一帮丫头说:"云姑娘拿我们开心,快罚她喝酒。"大家都来敬酒,一时猜拳行令,呼三喝四,过了一会,大家突然发现湘云不见了,比各处去找。不一会,一个小丫头笑嘻嘻跑来说:"姑娘们。快去看看,云姑娘吃醉了,在山石后面石凳上睡着了。"众人听后,便轻轻走过去,果然看到湘云在石凳上已入梦乡,四面的芍药花飞落了一身,满身满头都是花瓣。扇子落在地上,也被花瓣埋了一半。一群蜜蜂蝴蝶在她周围飞舞。湘云枕着用手帕抱着花瓣的枕头。众人看了又是爱,又是笑,忙上来产妇。湘云仍酒醉不醒,还嘟嘟噜噜地说着,众人笑着推醒她,用这湘云回屋里去了。

Qing Wen Mends the Cloak

  As Xi Ren, the leading service girl who had taken care of Baoyu was away to visit her home, the duties, and the charge of Yihongyuan Court, fell on Qing Wen. A girl anxious to excel in everything, Qing Wen did everything personally. For the special occasion of his uncle&#39s birthday party, baoyu puton a very unique Russian-made cloak woven with threads from peacock feather, a gift from his grandmother. That evening, he returned with a sad look: the cloak had a hold burnt in it. Fortunately it was evening and the grandmother and the ladies in the house failed to notice. One servant hurriedly brought the cloak out to professionals to be mended over night, for Baoyu had to wear the cloak the next morning. But the servant returned to report that no craftsman dared to take the job, as none of them was able to identify what material the cloak was made of. While everyone was upset, Qing Wen managed to sit up from her sick bed, and after a look she claimed the material was peacock gold threads," she said, "the cloak will look as good as new." Even with the proper thread, no one dared to take the job. Therefore, Qing Wen, with a coat draped over her shoulders, began to mend. Due to sickness, she felt dizzy and saw stars. She bit her lips and continued. She had to stop for a bread every few stitches. It was in the small hours of the morning when she finally finished the job. People marveled at the mending she had done-the damage was almost invisible.


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