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2011年元宵节宫灯图标 2011年金兔迎春庆新年许愿兔图标 2010感恩节许愿灯 版主勋章

发表于 2009-4-20 09:58:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
It’s up to you           由你决定
I envy you             我羡慕你
How can I get in touch with you?  我要怎么联系你?
Where can I wash my hands?  请问洗手间在哪?
What’s the weather like today?  今天天气怎么样?
Where are you headed?  你要去哪里
I wasn’t born yesterday.  我又不是三岁小孩
What do you do for relaxtion/entertainment/emusement?  你做什么消遣
It’s a small world。 世界真小
It’s my treat this time。 这次我请客
The sooner the better。 越快越好
When is the most convenient time for you?
Take your time   不急,慢慢来
I am mad/crazy about…对什么着迷
How do I address you?  我怎么称呼你?
What was your name again?  请再说一次你的名字好吗?
Would you care for a cup of coffee?  
She turns me off  她使我厌烦
So far so good  目前为止,一切都好
It drives me crazy  它把我逼疯了
She never showed up(出席,露面)  他一直没出现
That’s not like him  那不像他的风格
It couldn’t get through  电话打不通
I got sick and tired of hotels  我讨厌旅馆
Be my guest/please help yourself at home   请随便
Can you keep an eye on my bag  帮我看下包好吗?
Let’s keep in touch  
Let’s call it a day  决定或同意暂时或永久停止进行某事
I couldn’t help  我没有办法
Something’s come up  出事了
Let’s get to the point 让我们来谈要点
Keep that in mind  记住了
That was a close call  太危险,千钧一发
I’ll be looking forward to it  我将期待这一天
Chances are slim 纤细的,苗条的,渺茫的 机会很小
I’m behind in my work  我的工作进度落后了
It’s a pain in the neck 那真是件麻烦的事
We are in the same boat 我们处境机同
My mouth is watering 流口水
What do you recommend 你推荐什么
I have a runny nose 流鼻涕
Do you have any openings?  你们来有没有空缺
It doesn’t make any difference. 没有什么差别/无所谓
It doesn’t work. 坏了
It’s better than nothing. 总比什么都没有的好
Think nothing of it。别放在心上
I have a sweet tooth 我喜欢吃甜食
I am not myself today.我今天心神不宁
I can’t express myself very well in English 我不能用英语很好的表达自己
For the time begin 暂且,目前
This milk has gone bad  
Don’t beat around the bush 别拐弯抹角了
It’s up in the air 尚未确定
Math is beyond me.  我对数学无能为力
It slipped my mind. 我忘了
You can’t please everyone.你不能讨好每个人
I’m working on. 我正在努力
You bet. 当然
Drop me a line.写封信给我
Are you pulling my leg 你在取笑我
I’ll keep my ears open 我会留意的
It isn’t much.微不足道
Neck and neck
Sooner or later
Don’t get me wrong.别误会我
I’m under a lot of pressure.我压力很大
You’re the boss 你说了算
It doesn’t make any sense.毫无意义
If  I were in you shoes.如果我是你
What’s this regarding.这是关于什么的
Over my head body.休想
We have 30 minutes to kill。打发时间
It’ll come to me。我会想起来的
You name it 你具体地说出来
I’ll play it by ear 见机行事
You should take advantage of it .利用
Let’s talk over coffee 边喝边谈
I’m easy to please 我很容易取悦/相处
Let’s give him a big hand.让我们热烈鼓掌
As far as I was concerned.就我而言
I’m all mixed up. 我全搞混了
Let’s get together one of these days.找天聚聚
I’m behind the time 我落伍了
I’m pressed for time 时间紧迫
I’m up to my ears in work    深陷于某事中  忙死了
You can’t do this to me.你不能这么对我
Just to be on the safe side.为了安全起见
I hope I didn’t offend you. 冒犯,犯罪
It won’t take much time.不会花太多的时间
It’s been a long time.好久不见

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